No Meat NYC strives to assist New Yorkers in finding vegetarian and vegan- friendly dining options. We do not seek to alianate those who eat meat, but simply wish to showcase the non-meat options available in our city. We have chosen to include restaurants that serve meat and have vegetarian and vegan alternative on the menu, so that our meat eating and non-meat eating friends can dine together. Additionally, we have noted restaurants with Kosher and gluten-free options, and have provided cost information when available. We are also proponents of non-car travel, and provide users with resources and information to facilitate travel by public transportation, bicycle, and walking.


Will Dean, Jan Diolola, and Heather Lember are graduate students at Pratt Institute's School of Information and Library Science. As LIS students we are interested in providing access to information, and as transplants to New York City, we too are still searching for meat free dining options. We built this website as part of our information technologies course and strive to use our information retrival skills as librarians to help other New Yorkers discover restaurants.

meet no meat NYC:

Heather Lember

Heather beach in mexicoHeather Lember grew up in a small town in central New Jersey, where she learned to ride a bicycle on Monday, October 19, 1987, also known as "black monday" (or the day stock markets crashed around the world). She played on various sports teams until picking up a guitar in a junior high music class. Heather attended the University of Massachussetts in Amherst, MA, where she started her first rock band, worked as a greeting card merchandiser, and earned a BA in Comparative Literature. After completing a post-graduation seven month intesive German language course in Berlin, Heather moved to Chicago on a whim, and soon after co-founded the non-profit organization Girls Rock! Chicago. Seven years, three bands, and four rock tours later, Heather returned to her favorite coast in her favorite city to pursue her MSLIS. Heather lives in Brooklyn where she enjoys riding her bicylce around the city, taking photos, playing music, planning road trips, and inventing vegan recipes.

  • Will Dean

    Will Dean holding a potato Born during a snowstorm – only the first time natural forces arrayed to do him harm – Will Dean grew up in a suburban Jersey town that is known for its proximity to several malls. While sick with the chicken pox, he taught himself to read and has not figured out how to kick the habit yet. Will built computers, read books, played board games, and was generally known as an “inside kid” or “that kid that ran a satirical bid for class president” (he was not successful).

    After attending The College of New Jersey, Will worked as a journalist in Philadelphia, writing for such publications as the Philadelphia City Paper, The AV Club, Philadelphia Weekly, and GRID Magazine. One time Fabio put him in a head lock, and several times people threatened him on the internet. A recent transplant to New York, Will enjoys reading, writing, going on bike trips, fermenting things, and complaining about how expensive everything in New York is compared to Philadelphia.

  • Jan Diolola

    real life portrait of jan A Los Angeles native, Jan currently resides in Brooklyn, NY. Regardless of his terrible eyesight (requiring him to wear obnoxiously-large eyeglasses), he enjoys walking around a lot to seek the charming odds and ends of the city that tend to get overlooked. Jan continues to maintain an extensive background in the arts, having worked in Los Angeles as a summer curator for The Getty and an intern at Machine Project, as well as having performed sound installments in galleries and DIY spaces in and around Downtown Los Angeles. While here in New York, Jan is pursuing his MS in Library Science at Pratt Institute, as well as working as a part-time librarian at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Jan enjoys a morning cup of coffee, $1 science fiction novels, and acquiring tattoos to make up for his inability to grow impressive facial hair.

  • Questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions?
    We want to hear from you!
    email us: nomeatnyc@gmail.com

